What currency should Russians take with them to Turkey? Rubles, euros or dollars?

The Turkish Republic is a favorite vacation spot for Russian-speaking tourists, and in recent years, a favorable country for relocation. A wide choice of resorts, luxurious service, clean, well-maintained beaches, a variety of entertainment, exciting excursions and, of course, Turkish hospitality, famous far beyond the country's borders, attract Russians.
Before traveling to Turkey, many foreigners have a question: what currency to take with you to Turkey? Find details in our new publication.
What currency is used in Turkey
The national currency of the Republic of Turkey is the Turkish lira. In the international classification, it has the short designation TRY. As a rule, in local restaurants, cafes, shops, payments are made in Turkish lira. In tourist regions, prices are often set in foreign currency, that is, guests of the country can freely use euros and dollars for payment.
Banknotes in denominations of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 200 Turkish lira are in circulation. One lira contains 100 kurus.
The design of the banknotes is unchanged: on one side there is a portrait of the founder and first president of the Turkish Republic Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, on the other side there are images of famous personalities of Turkey, such as musician Buhurizade Ytri, historian Aydin Sayyili, and conductor Fatma Aliye Topuz.
In addition to paper money, Turkey also has coins in denominations of 1 lira, 1, 5, 10, 25, 50 kurus. The coins also feature a portrait of Ataturk.
In recent years, the Turkish lira has been falling against the dollar and euro. Therefore, before traveling, we recommend checking the current exchange rate.
Exchange rate
Which currency is better and more profitable for tourists to take with them to Turkey: euros, dollars or rubles?
In practice, before traveling to Turkey, it is best to take care of having euros and US dollars with you in advance.
The thing is that in Russia and other Russian-speaking countries, it is quite difficult to exchange Russian rubles for lira. So, Russians mostly take euros and dollars with them, since in Antalya, Alanya, Istanbul and other popular Turkish cities, there will be no difficulties with exchanging them for the national currency. If you have to choose between dollars and euros, it is preferable to bring dollars with you - this currency is in use throughout the country, and its exchange may be more profitable and simpler.
In addition, we recommend that you get some Turkish lira after arriving in Turkey. The reason for this is the exchange rate. If exchange offices and banks exchange your bills at the official rate, then at the market it will most likely turn out that paying in dollars or euros is simply unprofitable.
What currency can be used for payments in Turkey?
Dollars and euros can be used to pay for purchases during a holiday at the major Mediterranean resorts - Alanya, Antalya, Kemer, Belek. In small resort villages, Turkish lira is more readily accepted. But, as we have already noted, it is at least more profitable to pay with the local currency. In addition, it is not always possible to get change from dollars and euros.
We recommend that upon arrival in Turkey you immediately exchange dollars and euros for the national currency and cover most of the expenses that arise with Turkish lira.
Good to know!
"Old" dollars (in particular, banknotes issued in 1993 and 2003) are taken very reluctantly in Turkish exchange offices and some shops. The client may simply be refused, or the conversion into the national currency will be unprofitable.
It is not possible to pay for goods and services in Turkey with Russian rubles. The Turks are not interested in this currency at all now. And if earlier it was possible to pay with rubles in Antalya, Alanya and other Mediterranean resorts, today this option has become almost unavailable here. Perhaps you will be able to find exchange points for Russian rubles for Turkish lira at some major airport in Turkey or in individual exchange offices, but the rate will definitely be extortionate.
How much money can you take with you to Turkey
You can bring into Turkey no more than 10,000 USD or the equivalent of this amount in another currency without declaring it when crossing the border.
The amount of money you should take with you to Turkey for a holiday depends on how exactly you plan to relax and what lifestyle you are used to. For example, will you stay in an all-inclusive hotel or will you prefer to rent an apartment; where will you eat - in a restaurant or do you want to cook for yourself; are you going to visit entertainment venues, attractions or go on organized paid excursions.
Currency exchange in Turkey
In the Republic of Turkey, it is easiest to exchange American dollars and euros.
You can exchange currency for Turkish lira in Turkey:
- at the airport,
- at the exchange office,
- in exchange offices at large hotels,
- in large chain supermarkets,
- at the national post offices of PTT.
The most reliable and profitable way is to exchange currency at an official exchange office.
What currency can be exchanged in Turkey
As you have already understood, Turkey can be divided into tourist and non-tourist. In the first case, all common and popular types of currencies are accepted from foreigners, and in the second case, only Turkish lira.
As for currency exchange, in the territory of the Turkish Republic it is possible to exchange not only euros and dollars, but also, for example, British pounds sterling. In some official exchange offices it is even possible to exchange Chinese yuan or Japanese yen for Turkish lira, but at a very unfavorable rate.
It is also possible to exchange Russian rubles for Turkish lira, but, as we have already written above, the operation will be unprofitable for you, just like when exchanging rubles for dollars.
How to Exchange Money in Turkey: 6 Ways
According to statistics, most tourists bring American dollars and euros to Turkey. The natural question is: where is it more profitable to exchange money for a trip? Let's figure it out!
There are several ways to exchange currency for Turkish Lira in Turkey:
1. Official exchange offices
Such points are easy to identify: they have a bright yellow sign with the inscription in English "Exchange Office". Often, exchange offices are located in shopping and entertainment centers, near tourist attractions. Many exchange offices are concentrated in popular resort and tourist cities - Antalya, Alanya, Istanbul, Side, Bodrum, etc.
Changing currency at official exchange offices is popular among foreign citizens, as they usually have a good rate and no commission fees. In addition, despite the fact that the law requires the provision of identity documents, in practice they are rarely asked for.
Among the disadvantages:
- lack of exchange offices in small towns in Turkey;
- There are unscrupulous employees who can cheat the client.
2. Post offices (RTT)
RTT or "Posta ve Telgraf Teskilati" is the national post office of the Republic of Turkey, where foreign citizens, among other services, are provided with the opportunity to exchange money. This is a convenient way, for example, if you are in a small town, you do not have cash and other better exchange options.
The post office has a fairly favorable exchange rate, low commission, but you will definitely be refused to exchange rubles for lira. In addition, there are far fewer state post offices than, for example, specialized exchange points.
3. Exchange offices in hotels
Turkish law prohibits currency exchange on hotel premises. However, in fact, most large hotels are accommodating to foreign tourists in this matter.
The exchange rate at hotel exchange offices varies from acceptable to completely unfavorable. On the plus side: you won't need to provide your passport or sign any extra papers. But you should be careful, because without accompanying documents, if anything happens, you won't be able to prove the fact of the exchange.
4. Exchange offices at airports
Consider this option for exchanging currency in Turkey in exceptional cases. For example, if you brought Russian rubles to Turkey, which are difficult to exchange anywhere except at the airport. The exchange rate at airports is completely unprofitable (often the difference between the purchase and sale rate reaches 7%), so if possible, take your time and choose another, more acceptable method for exchanging your dollars and euros.
Currency exchange at the supermarket
This is an unofficial option for exchanging currency in Turkey. It's simple: you pay in a store with dollars or euros, and get change in lira. Exchange is available only in large supermarkets, such as Metro and Migros. Moreover, the exchange rate is quite acceptable, and you will definitely not be deceived.
In crypto exchangers
There are quite a few exchange points in Turkey where you can easily and with minimal commission exchange popular cryptocurrencies, such as USDT, for dollars or Turkish lira. This exchange option is not only profitable, but also practically unlimited, which means it can be a good way to transfer funds for foreign real estate buyers.
Where is the best place to change money in Turkey?
The best and most profitable way to exchange money is in Turkey:
- at official currency exchange points;
- in state post offices;
- in crypto exchangers;
- in large supermarkets.
An acceptable option is to exchange currency at the hotel, but before making the transaction, inquire about the current rate, as it may be unfavorable.
Only use the exchange of money for Turkish lira at airports as a last resort - this is one of the most unprofitable ways to get cash.
Change money in Turkey or in Russia?
It is not profitable to exchange Russian rubles for Turkish lira in Russia. However, it is worth deciding in advance which currency to take to Turkey and buying the amount you need in dollars or euros.
The best option for exchanging money is to buy US dollars or euros in Russia and then exchange them for lira in the Turkish Republic.
So, let's sum it up:
- When traveling to Turkey, it is essential to have cash on hand in case other payment options are temporarily unavailable.
- Take dollars or euros with you from Russia (local traders are more willing to accept dollars).
- Only some exchange offices (usually at airports) exchange rubles for lira, but at an unfavorable rate.
- Consider the objective pros and cons of different exchange methods and be vigilant.
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