Turkish Identification Number (TIN)

Moving to another country inevitably leads to various administrative procedures. One of the primary issues for foreigners in Turkey is registering a unique tax identification number. This code is required for many transactions, from opening an account at a local bank to purchasing real estate.
What is a Turkish Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) and what is its role for citizens of other countries? How to get a tax number in Turkey and what to do if the document is lost? You can find answers to these and many other questions in this publication.
What is a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) in Turkey?
The Turkish Identification Number is a unique ten-number code that is awarded to taxpayers (both individuals and legal entities).
This code is issued exclusively by the Tax Department. It facilitates the process of taxpayer identification with government authorities and helps monitor the fulfillment of financial obligations.
The name of the tax number in Turkish is Vergi Numarası. In English it is called National Identity Number Turkey.
At its core, the Turkish taxpayer number is an analogue of the TIN issued to citizens in the CIS countries.
The regulation of this document is based on Article No. 1 of Law No. 213, which is part of the Turkish tax legislation.
What Does a Turkish Taxpayer Identification Number Look Like?
The Turkish Identification Number is a unique 10-digit combination that acts as an identifier for every Turkish citizen or foreigner in the Republic of Turkey.
This number does not provide additional information about its owner, but includes information about the relevant Tax Authority and the owner's serial number in the taxpayer register.
The main purpose of this code is to simplify taxpayer identification when carrying out financial and legal transactions.
Need for a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) for Foreigners in Turkey
Before we talk in detail about how to get a Turkish TIN, let's figure out why this code is so necessary.
A personal tax number is assigned to Turks immediately after birth. It is issued for life and does not change even if you change your place of residence, change your last name or other personal data.
Conditions are different for foreign citizens. Those who intend to reside in the Republic of Turkey for a long time, work or use local banking and medical services, must obtain a tax number.
And importantly, this code is tied to citizenship or permanent residence status. It is intended for all people who interact in one way or another with the Turkish tax system, regardless of their origin or status.
It should be emphasized for foreign investors:
Without this code, it is impossible to purchase real estate in Turkey and carry out all operations related to such acquisition, in particular: concluding a purchase and sale agreement, opening a current account in a local bank, re-registering TAPU, concluding subscribers with resource companies on the supply of electricity and water supply, as well as Internet connection.
Although the TIN is not mandatory for local residents and foreigners, it becomes an integral part for full access to the many services provided by Turkish organizations and banks.
Another important point:
For foreign citizens, obtaining an identification number in Turkey is not associated with a direct obligation to pay taxes. Tax obligations arise only when income is received in the territory of the Republic of Turkey, for example, profit from the sale of apartments or their rental.
You should understand the difference between a potential TIN for foreigners and a tax number intended for citizens of the Republic of Turkey. A potential number is provided to those who are not regular taxpayers. When registering a company, identification numbers for legal entities initially have the status “potential”. However, after completing all registration procedures, this status changes to “active”, and this number becomes the main identification code for the legal entity, that is, the company.
For What Purposes is a TIN Required?
In Turkey, the TIN is not a simple paper formality. This document will open up many possibilities for you and simplify many procedures.
A Turkish tax number will be required in the following cases:
- When opening a current account. Most Turkish banking institutions require you to provide a TIN to open an account for the purpose of conducting monetary transactions.
- When paying taxes. Without this code, it is impossible to pay tax duties or receive benefits. It ensures that all your monetary transactions are tracked and recorded by the relevant authorities.
- In real estate transactions. When purchasing a house or other property, the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) is a required document.
- When registering a car. If you are planning to purchase or register a car in Turkey, a Tax ID will also be required to complete this procedure. In addition, it is included in the documentation package for obtaining a driver's license.
- When receiving medical services. Very often, when applying to private medical institutions, a tax code is required to register the patient and provide him with medical care. You will also need it when purchasing an insurance medical pool.
- When applying for a job. To sign an employment contract with a Turkish employer, a foreigner will need to provide his TIN.
- When starting a business. To register a company or enterprise in Turkey, the founder’s identification code will also be required. It serves as a unique identifier for your business in government registries.
- Upon receipt of various licenses and permits. Regardless of whether you are planning to open a business in the territory of the Republic of Turkey or apply for a permit for something else, the TIN will be on the list of required documents.
- During the procedure for legalizing your stay in Turkey. To submit an application for a residence permit and obtain citizenship, a taxpayer identification code is also required.
Advantages of Obtaining a TIN
Having a tax identification code in Turkey not only makes life easier for foreign citizens in the country, but also opens up many opportunities available to local residents. Regardless of whether you are planning a long-term stay or short-term visits, having a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) will provide you with comfort and security in financial matters.
- Easy to obtain. Unlike many other documents, a tax number in Turkey can be obtained both online and offline. Electronic application submission on the official website is especially convenient for those who value their time and prefer to avoid visiting government offices.
- Free. One of the greatest advantages is the absence of any fees or charges for issuing a TIN. This makes the process even more attractive for foreign citizens.
- Versatility. You will need the received TIN in the future in various areas, from concluding contracts to registering cars or participating in other legal actions.
- Long term. The Turkish Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) does not expire. This means you won't have to go through the renewal or re-registration process.
- Access to local services. Having a TIN allows you to use the full range of local services, such as connecting utilities, registering for a health insurance pool, and others.
Step-by-step Instructions for Obtaining a TIN in Turkey
Registering a personal tax number in Turkey is a procedure that may seem complicated at first glance. However, knowing the main steps and having a ready-made package of documents, you can cope with this task without unnecessary hassle.
This can be done in person by visiting your local Tax Office office or by applying for the code online.
Step 1. Preparing the Necessary Documents
To register an individual tax number in Turkey, you should prepare the necessary package of documents:
- Passport. Original and copies of all completed pages. Make sure your passport is up to date - it must be valid for at least another 6 months.
- Photos. Current color passport size photographs (usually 4x6 cm). Typically 2-4 photos are required.
- Residence address. A document confirming your residential address in the territory of the Republic of Turkey. This could be a lease agreement, a utility bill in your name, or a confirmation letter from your employer.
- Statement. A completed application for registration of a TIN, received at the office of the Tax Authorities or a form downloaded from the official website of the Tax Department.
- Depending on your status and purpose of stay in the eastern republic, additional paperwork may be required, such as a work contract, housing documents, or others.
- Legal entities will additionally need to provide a certificate of company registration.
Before going to the Tax office or starting the procedure online, we recommend that you double-check all documentation.
Step 2. Applying for a TIN
So, we have come to the main thing - how to obtain a TIN in Turkey.
To register a Turkish ID code, you need to go to the local Tax Department office, known as Maliye Vergi Dairesi. There are Tax Service offices in all cities. They usually work from 9:00 to 17:00.
Inspection address Alanya vergi dairesi: Kadıpaşa Mh. 07400 Alanya/Antalya.
When visiting the service, have with you all the documents necessary to register your TIN.
Then you will be asked to fill out a special form to register a TIN. On the copy of your passport, indicate your parents' details, as well as your address in Turkey. At the same time, make sure that everything is written in capital Latin letters. If difficulties arise, Tax Service specialists will help you.
After checking your documents and the information provided, you will be assigned an individual tax number, which you will receive in your hands. After 24 hours, this code will become active, which will allow you to carry out any financial transactions.
Online Procedure for Obtaining a TIN
Now let’s figure out how to make a TIN in Turkey online.
To submit documents online, follow the step-by-step instructions:
- Go to the Tax Department portal at gib. gov. tr.
- Select the section "Potential Tax Identification Number for Foreigners" or Yabancılar İçin Potansiyel Vergi Kimlik Numarası or directly follow this link.
- Scroll down the page, then there will be an “Application” button. Click on it and you will see a page with a form that you need to fill out. The questionnaire is also available in English.
- Fill out all fields of the form. To make the process easier and avoid the difficulties of the language barrier, we recommend using Google translator.
First and last names must be entered in CAPITAL LETTERS ONLY (activate CAPS LOCK). When writing your passport number, there are no spaces.
Entering your last name in small letters may result in an error. Make sure that all data matches those indicated in your passport.
Capitalization helps prevent confusion between languages.
When filling out the online form to obtain a Turkish Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), do not copy and paste information. Latin letters may automatically change to Turkish (for example, "I" becomes "İ"), which may cause a system error.
You must also include your PARENTS' NAMES IN CAPITAL LETTERS, your date and place of birth, and your current country of residence.
After you provide your basic personal information, do not forget to provide a contact phone number - this can be the number of either a Turkish or foreign telecom provider.
On the application form you must provide the following information:
- Your full name.
- Your date of birth.
- Your parents' last names.
- City or place of your birth.
- Contact number in Turkey.
- Your residential address in Turkey (please note: to register a TIN, you need a Turkish address).
Information from your passport, including number, date of issue and expiration date.
Add a scan of your international passport (note that the maximum file size is 1 MB; the system will indicate the acceptable formats and dimensions of the file). Enter the security code proposed by the system and confirm sending by clicking on the “OK” button.
Next, enter the verification code from the image and click the “Tamam” button, thus confirming the correctness of the information provided in the TIN registration form.
In response, the system will provide you with an identification code in PDF format. It is advisable to download and print this file.
The received number is automatically entered into all banking systems in Turkey; nothing additional is needed.
If difficulties arise during the registration process or the system rejects your request, even though the data has been entered correctly, we recommend that you personally contact the Tax Department.
Local authorities advise issuing a Turkish Taxpayer Identification Number via the Internet in order to reduce the burden on Tax Service employees and prevent long queues at their offices.
Terms and Cost of Registration of TIN
Registering a tax number at the Tax Service office takes from 15 minutes to several hours, depending on the workload of the service. You can get a code online in just 10 minutes.
When purchasing real estate in Turkey, the managers of a real estate company will help you carry out this procedure quickly, avoiding any difficulties.
This service is free and does not require any additional fees or government fees.
Important Points and Recommendations
When registering a tax code in Turkey, it is important to take into account a number of key nuances and follow certain recommendations.
The main way to avoid unnecessary hassle is to use the official web resource for obtaining a TIN. This will allow you to bypass queues and waits at the Tax Service. The data you enter must be absolutely identical to the information specified in your passport. Any deviation, even something as small as entering a name in lowercase letters, can cause the system to reject the request.
Even if all fields are filled out correctly, technical errors are possible. In this case, you need to contact the Tax Service directly to sort out the problem. It should be remembered that Turkish legislation is dynamic and procedures may be updated from time to time. Therefore, before starting registration, you should make sure that the information on government platforms is up to date.
If the system refuses to accept data, the reason may be that you have already been registered before. Each foreigner is issued a code only once, so check this point using the “confirmation” option on the website.
When filling out passport data, be sure to activate the “CAPS LOCK” function, since all data must be entered in capital letters. For optimal use of the site, it is recommended to choose a time from 10:00 to 17:00, when the resource is less busy.
However, you should not rely on roaming on your Internet connection during checkout. It is better to use local online resources.
One last point: for citizens of some countries, including Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan, remote registration of a TIN may not be available, even using a VPN.
Validity of the Turkish Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) and its Renewal
The tax payer number is permanent, is issued only once and is valid for life.
If suddenly you cannot remember your TIN, go to the web resource https: //ivd. gib. gov. tr/.
In the main menu of the site, select the “Doğrulamalar” tab.
Next, click on the item “Yabancılar İçin Potansiyel Vergi Kimlik Numarası Sorgulama/Potential Tax Number Confirmation for Foreigners”.
To continue, enter the information from your passport used when you initially registered your TIN, including your country of residence and date of birth.
After processing the request, the system will provide your personal TIN. For the future, save it to your mobile phone, laptop, and also send the document to your email. This way you can definitely find it at the right time.
If the request does not bring the desired result, double-check the correctness of the entered information or try this procedure from another gadget.
What to do if you lose your TIN
If your identification code is lost and you don’t know how to find out your tax number in Turkey, it’s not a problem.
To obtain a duplicate of this document, you can use the official website of the Tax Inspectorate, following the above instructions. Or simply visit the nearest Tax office, where you will quickly be provided with a copy of the document.
Using a Turkish Taxpayer Identification Number Outside of Turkey
In an international context, the Turkish Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) is generally not recognized or used outside of Turkey for official or tax procedures.
However, it can be useful when providing documents or confirming your status for Turkish companies or authorities operating abroad.
In conclusion, we note that the TIN in Turkey is a key document that allows foreigners to carry out many transactions, from purchasing real estate to opening a bank account.
Understanding its significance and the process of obtaining it will help you avoid many difficulties on the way to buying real estate in this beautiful country. Real estate agency Altop Real Estate is ready to help you in solving all the bureaucratic issues related to the purchase of apartments in Turkey.
If you have additional questions on this topic, please take a look at the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section, where we have tried to answer the most popular ones.
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
How many digits are there in Turkey's Taxpayer Identification Number?
In Turkey, the unique tax number is represented by a ten-digit code, which is personal to each person.
How to check your TIN in Turkey?
To check your Turkish tax number, follow these simple instructions:
- Visit the official portal of the Turkish Tax Service: https://ivd. gib. gov. tr/.
- In the top menu of the site, find the “Doğrulamalar” section and click on it.
- From the list provided, select “Yabancılar İçin Potansiyel Vergi Kimlik Numarası Sorgulama / Potential Tax Number Confirmation for Foreigners”.
- Provide the system with the necessary information: the passport data used to obtain the TIN, your date of birth and the country of your stay.
- Click the button to confirm.
- If the data you entered is correct, the system will provide information about your TIN.
In case of problems or errors, it is recommended to seek help from the nearest Tax Office or use the services of specialists familiar with the procedure.
Is it possible to obtain a TIN on your own and what difficulties may arise?
You can obtain a Turkish Taxpayer Identification Number on your own, without outside help. To do this you need:
- Contact the Tax Office located nearby, or use the official platform of the Tax Authorities for remote registration.
- Prepare the necessary documents in advance: a copy of your international passport and, depending on your status (for example, if you are a foreign businessman or represent a corporation), prepare documents for the company.
- Fill out the form, providing the required information.
However, when you independently issue a TIN, the following difficulties may arise:
- The language barrier. All procedures and documents are usually provided in Turkish. This may make it difficult to understand and complete the forms.
- Subtleties of legislation. Turkish tax legislation has its own peculiarities, and an error in filling out may lead to refusal to issue a number.
- Technical problems. When using the online service, technical errors or inconsistencies between the entered data and system requirements may occur.
- The need for additional documents. Depending on your status, additional documentation may be required, the need for which you did not know and, in fact, did not prepare in advance.
Are there additional taxes or fees when registering a TIN?
Registration and receipt of a TIN in Turkey does not involve the collection of additional taxes or fees. This unique identification code, issued by government authorities for tax purposes and other financial transactions within the country, is provided to citizens and foreigners absolutely free of charge. There are no hidden fees or additional fees involved in this process.
How much does it cost to obtain a tax number in Turkey?
As for the cost of registering a tax number in Turkey, there are also no costs. Government agencies issue TINs as part of an identification system for taxes and other financial transactions without requiring payment. This number serves as an important tool for identifying a taxpayer in the country's financial system.